Posts Tagged ‘AP’

My Article on Babywearing and Post Natal Depression.

I saw a post in a group on Facebook and I wanted to reply.  It was a group for women suffering from Postnatal Depression and I had ‘liked’ it in order to refer my clients to it.

Seeing a woman who was clearly suffering, I wanted to offer her some support and information.  Fortunately, the other women in the group were wonderfully supportive and kind, but I wanted to add something research based that may offer them all some relief.

So I started writing a blog that I intended to post a link to, so people could read it if they were so inclined.

The blog post got so long that it seemed to me like more of an article!  I thought I might submit it for publishing in a parenting magazine here and thankfully Mother, Baby & Child Magazine picked it up.

So here is my article on the benefits of babywearing and how it can help those suffering from PND.

Please check out their website and if you are in the UAE, do pick up a copy!

PND article pg 1 PND Article Pg 2